
Actual Layout
Thumbnail pages will have exactly the number of columns and rows specified. No consideration is taken of the amount of space that might be wasted. See Actual Layout for more information.
aspect ratio

The width divided by the height of an image. See for more information.

DVD Pictures has a number of nice examples explaining the issues involved with terminology such as Fullscreen, Widescreen, and HD aspect ratios.

Auto Layout
With Auto Layout CLAutoThumbnailer normally uses Row Priority Layout but automatically switches to Column Priority Layout when the video aspect ratio drops below a certain threshold. See Auto Layout for more information.
The method by which a video has been turned into a viewable file. Requires a matching decoder to view. See Dealing with Codecs,, and for more information.
Column Priority Layout
A thumbnail page layout mode in which the exact number of columns is set while the number of rows is automatically determined to fit in the desired page size. See Column Priority Layout for more information.
Command File
A text file that contains entries that specify the options to use while processing a video file along with the relative path to that file. See Command Files for more information.
Detail thumbnail pages
Thumbnail pages that contain thumbnails that are generated a fixed amount of time from each other (like every minute). Detail pages will be made as needed until the entire video has been thumbnailed. Typically with a smaller number of rows and columns (in the range of 3-6) than an Overview Thumbnail Page. See Detail Thumbnail Pages for more information.
Overview thumbnail page
A single thumbnail page for an entire video file, typically with a larger number of rows and columns (in the range of 9-12) than Detail Thumbnail Pages. See Overview Thumbnail Page for more information.
Row Priority Layout
A thumbnail page layout mode in which the exact number of rows is set while the number of columns is automatically determined to fit in the desired page size. See Row Priority Layout for more information.
The file extension used for video files on DVDs. These files are actually in the MPEG2 format. VOB title sets are named VTS_tt_n.VOB where tt is the title number and n is the number of the file within that title. CLAutoThumbnailer can treat an unencrypted VOB title set as a single long video by specifying VTS_tt_*.VOB as the filename (where tt should be replaced with the number of the title you wish to thumbnail). See MPEG2 Encoded Videos for more information.

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