Detail Thumbnail PagesΒΆ

Detail thumbnail pages are JPEG images that contain thumbnails that are generated a fixed amount of time from each other (like every minute). Detail pages will be made as needed until the entire video has been thumbnailed. They typically have a smaller number of rows and columns (in the range of 3-6) than a Overview Thumbnail Page. Detail page generation can be turned off by using the -i option.

Detail thumbnail pages have filenames that look like originalfilename_pageNNNN_HH_MM_SS.jpg, where NNNN is the page sequence #, and HH_MM_SS is the time of the first thumbnail on the page. This time is useful for quickly locating a Detail thumbnail page near the location of interest. However, if desired, it can be turned off with the --dtfs- option.

Example Detail Thumbnail Page

Example Detail Thumbnail Page

The header line of an Detail thumbnail page contains on the left side the time of the first thumbnail on that page, the total duration of the video (not the thumbnailing duration specified with the -s, --start and -e, --end options), and the current Detail page number and total number of Detail pages; the video filename in the middle; and the video frame dimensions (and aspect ratio), video file size, and the file modified date & time on the right side.

If you have two values for the frame size and aspect ratio — one inside square brackets — it means the thumbnails are created from something other than the original video frames. The dimensions inside the square brackets are the original dimensions and aspect ratio, while the other numbers are the actual frame and aspect ratio used to create the thumbnails. This can occur when Auto Aspect Ratio Adjustment is enabled, or the -p, --crop, -t, --stretch, or --rect options have been used.

Overview Page for Multi-Part Video

Example Detail Page for Multi-Part Videos

Detail pages for Multi-Part Video Files supply additional helpful information. The filenames now look like originalfilename_MULTI_pageNNNN_HH_MM_SS.jpg.

The upper-left corner of Detail pages displays the number of files in the video in addition to its total duration. The name of the video has _MULTI added to it to further indicate that this page was made from a composite of individual video files.

The thumbnail times indicate both the time from the actual start and the time from the beginning of each individual file along with the file number. The first thumbnail from each part is highlighted with a different colored border to make it slightly easier to notice the location of the file splits. This makes it possible to determine which file a thumbnail actually came from in case you want to view the file in your media player.

Most (all?) media players aren’t capable of jumping to the cumulative time within a set of files (with the exception of the special case of DVDs). Using the Detail page timestamps, however, you can open up the correct file in a media player and jump to the exact time in the video when the thumbnail was taken.